P.A.Y. Scholarships
Are you or do you know a student pursing a career in an ag-related field?
Families Feeding Families, AGvocacy will once again be awarding up to (5) $2,000 scholarships to regional graduating high school seniors and/or students currently enrolled in post-secondary education programs who wish to pursue an education in an agricultural-related field.
Applications are due by April 19, 2024.
30x30 Land Grab
30 x 30 is an international environmental agenda to permanently protect 30% of our land and oceans by 2030, in their natural state. It was initiated by the Biden Administration in the Climate Crisis EO (14008) signed January 27th, 2021.
Help us fight the radical environmental initiative by learning more about it and sharing your knowledge with other local land owners.
Our Vision
To operate family-based and sustainable agri-business so future generations can continue in farming.
Our Mission
Our mission is to advocate and support today's farmers. We aim to educate the community on today's farming practices with the goal of sustainability of agriculture for future generations.
Our Home
Based out of Yankton County, South Dakota, we support farming families in the southeast South Dakota and northeast Nebraska region.
Farming is not just a job, it’s a way of life.